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Ranking: 14 677

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Adres www: www.palacwborach.pl

Nasza ocena: 14

Software for hostel is made just for you!

Software for hostel - useful tool which will help you with organization. Platform which looks perferct for you and is very good not only for your company but also and mainly for your clients. They can still make their booking through favourite website with hostel offer but you will get all needed informations straight to our platform and their booking automatically will be relocated to your hostel"s calendar. Due to our app, you can now easily contact all your clients by e - mail or phone call because you will have all details in one, right place. You can also check things like payment process or all requests to your hostel. You can create the best and the most beautiful showcase of your hostel by photo galleries and customizable and multilingual room descriptions. If you are tired of searching and nervous situations connected with all bookings - just simply use our app. Our platform works through internet and you don"t have to download and install anything. Software for hostel is made just for you!

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